Branco Weiss Fellowship: Everything You Need to Know


Fellowships are non-profit organization systems that provide help and benefits and Branco Weiss fellowship is one of such. As you read through, we will show what they are all about and how to apply.

Branco Weiss Fellowship

The Branco Weiss Fellowship is a program aimed at exceptionally talented young researchers who have completed their doctoral studies.

This fellowship provides recipients with an individual research grant, allowing them to pursue their projects globally for a maximum duration of five years.

It is specifically designed to offer support to postdoctoral researchers in the transitional phase between obtaining their PhD and securing their initial faculty position.
Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for this scholarship, you must meet the following criteria:

1. Possess a valid Ph.D. as of January 15, 2022.

2. Have completed your Ph.D. within five years prior to January 15, 2022.

3. Not currently hold or have previously held a position equivalent to faculty, such as assistant professor or lecturer.

The Branco Weiss Fellowship is accessible to postdoctoral researchers across all fields of study. Please refer to the Branco Weiss Fellowship website for a comprehensive list of eligibility requirements.
Selection Criteria

Branco Weiss Fellows are anticipated to introduce fresh and innovative perspectives into their research, diverging from conventional approaches.

Those applying must propose a project that explores uncharted territories of research, often crossing disciplinary boundaries.

Additionally, they should demonstrate exceptional accomplishments in their specific scientific domain and be open to discussing pertinent societal, cultural, political, or economic matters that transcend the boundaries of their field.

Exceptional projects thrive by pioneering new directions within an interdisciplinary context.
Application Process

You can apply for the Fellowship by submitting your application through the Branco Weiss Fellowship website.

Prior to applying, we strongly recommend that you carefully review the Fast Facts for Applicants provided on the website.

Research projects should be planned with a five-year timeframe in mind.

The initial two years of a project are referred to as the pioneer phase. Upon the conclusion of this pioneering phase, there will be a review and a site visit to assess the project’s progress, ongoing originality, and the fellow’s productivity.

If the results of this evaluation and site visit meet expectations, the fellow will proceed to the exploitation phase, which spans the remaining three years of the fellowship.

Branco Weiss Fellows are encouraged to actively seek faculty positions during the exploitation phase.

They have the option to begin a faculty position or professorship after completing the first year of the fellowship.

It’s important to note that accepting an academic position will not lead to the termination of the fellowship.
Application Deadline

Applications will become available on October 1, 2023, and the final day for submitting applications is January 15, 2024.

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