Drake University Bachelors Scholarship: Application Process


Drake University Bachelors Scholarship: Application Process

Drake University Bachelors Scholarship: All full-time undergraduate students at Drake University are given gifts of financial assistance in the form of scholarships and/or grants.

They offer grants for education in order to acknowledge your academic achievement, and artistic or athletic talent, as well as financial assistance to help your family fulfill its financial demands.

It’s possible that you’ll find out that you qualify for benefits based on both merit and financial need. We will try our best to provide you with the most complete financial assistance package in your initial award notice.

Learn more about the scholarships and financial aid that are offered to first-year, transfer, and international students below.
Drake University Bachelors Scholarships

First-year, transfer, and international student scholarships are available. Drake has scholarships designed to honor your talents and accomplishments regardless of where you excel.

Your skills as a student, artist, athlete, or perhaps even as all three at once, have been put on display. Drake University Bachelors Scholarship offers a variety of scholarships to recognize prospective students for their skills, regardless of how those capabilities are demonstrated.
Presidential Scholarship

The $24,000–27,000 annual range for Presidential Scholarships. A Presidential Scholarship will be given to each and every first-year undergraduate student who is enrolled full-time.

These tuition grants are awarded following a careful review of the admissions application. Awards vary depending on the type of scholarship and are not just based on financial need.

Please be advised that all scholarships are renewable for up to four years total or until a bachelor’s degree is obtained, provided that the necessary academic standing and grade point average are maintained.

See the chart below to learn how enrolling in one of Drake’s joint undergraduate/graduate degree paths would influence undergraduate funding, such as Fine Arts Scholarships.
Program and Scholarship Availability
Law 3 + 3

Up until the first year of the law program (L1) or for three years, undergraduate grants are available.
Doctor of Pharmacy

For four years or until the second year of the pharmacy program (P2), undergraduate prizes are offered.
Masters in Athletic Training

Up until the first year of the Athletic Training Program (AT1), three years are allotted for undergraduate awards. A one-time, $5,000 grant is available for AT1.
National Alumni Scholarship

The National Alumni Scholarship (NAS) is Drake University’s most competitive scholarship program. National Alumni Scholarships are awarded to exceptional first-year students who enter straight out of high school.

Meet all prerequisites, and complete the whole application process. In 2023, the National Alumni Scholarship contest will be online only.

The Awards

1. One full tuition National Alumni Scholarship from Drake University. This award replaces any extra half-tuition scholarships.

2. Three $10,000 Carpenter Scholarships will be accepted by Drake University as tuition assistance. The winners will be the top three semifinalists who successfully complete a scholarship interview and the National Alumni Scholarship Day program.

This award may be paired with a student’s Presidential award, which has a value of between $24,000 and $27,000. But the Carpenter Scholarship is more important than the Trustee Scholarship.

3. Trustee Scholarships worth $4,000 toward their tuition at Drake University Bachelors Scholarship are awarded to scholarship semi-finalists who successfully complete their participation in a scholarship interview and the virtual National Alumni Scholarship program.

This award may be paired with a student’s Presidential award, which has a value of between $24,000 and $27,000. Under the conditions that full-time enrollment and the necessary minimum cumulative GPA are maintained, all scholarships are renewable for an additional three years.
Scholarship Criteria

To be eligible to apply for these scholarship funds, a student must be enrolling right out of high school, have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.8 on a scale of 4.0, OR place in the top 5% of their class (weighted GPAs are accepted).

In addition, our National Alumni Scholars are students who excel in other areas, such as academics, and who frequently receive recognition from their school, state, or federal level.

They also take initiative and assume leadership roles in a range of extracurricular activities or organizations that benefit society as a whole.

The students they consider scholars are those who have a strong work ethic and dedication in their extracurricular, paid, and/or volunteer endeavors.

By attempting something novel or unexpected and in their strategies for overcoming difficulty or adversity, scholars demonstrate initiative and inventiveness.

Last but not least, academics exhibit a passion for their profession and their subjects. Their accomplishments and desire to broaden their own horizons demonstrate their love of learning.
Application Process

All qualified applicants must complete the following steps in order to submit an application for these scholarships:Submit the application for admission (along with all required admission checklist items
Please submit the (separate) National Alumni Scholarship application
Several semi-finalists will be chosen from the remaining applications. Contact with the semi-finalists will begin in the middle of January.
Semi-finalists must participate in a virtual scholarship interview and National Alumni Scholarship program to be eligible to compete for the full tuition National Alumni Scholarship or one of the three $10,000 Carpenter Scholarships.
Semi-finalists are assured a Trustee Scholarship of $4,000 regardless of the outcome of the scholarship competition as long as they successfully complete their virtual interview and attend the virtual National Alumni Scholarship Program.
A 45-minute timed essay is a requirement for all participants; these essays will be reviewed and considered for selecting the semi-finalists’ complete applications.

The interview and program components are only open to semifinalists for the National Alumni Scholarship. Semi-finalists are picked after analyzing the information on the National Alumni Scholarship application.

Applicants must be invited to the interview and virtual program components in order to be considered for the $10,000 Carpenter Scholarship or the full tuition National Alumni Scholarship.

If accepted, they can select a day from the list of potential interview and program dates. The selection of reserved times and dates will be based on availability. Awards will be announced in the middle of March 2024.

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