EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships: Contracts and Eligibility 2023


Fellowships are non-profit organization systems that provide help and benefits and EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships is one of such. As you read through, we will show what they are all about and how to apply.

EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships

EMBO offers funding to host institutions in EMBC Member States to offer employment agreements to EMBO Fellows.

For Fellows working in countries outside the EMBC Member States, a stipend will be provided instead.


EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships are typically granted for a duration of two years, although it is possible to request shorter periods.

The minimum duration for a fellowship request is one year. Fellows are required to commence their fellowships within one calendar year from the applicable evaluation cut-off date.
EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships Contract

EMBO provides grants to the host institution with the primary purpose of covering the expenses associated with an employment contract for the grant recipient.

These expenses encompass the employer’s social contributions, the recipient’s social contributions, taxes mandated by national and local laws, and the net salary of the grant recipient.

It’s important to note that the EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship does not include coverage for bench fees, overhead costs, funding for consumables, or any additional financial benefits for the host supervisor or the hosting institute.

The grant amount varies depending on the country where the fellowship takes place. The transfer of funds is governed by a grant agreement that both EMBO and the host institution will sign.

The employment contract between the host institution and the grant recipient will be issued in accordance with the applicable national and local regulations in EMBC Member States. For more details, please consult the provided guidelines.

Let’s have a look at some specifics:
Childcare Allowance

Fellows with children under six years old are eligible to seek reimbursement for childcare expenses, with a maximum limit of 2,500 euros per child per year of the fellowship.

The reimbursement amount is adjusted based on the portion of the year during which childcare costs were accrued.
Relocation Allowance

The relocation allowance is provided to assist with travel expenses for the fellow and their family, covering a maximum of 5,000 euros for the journey to and from the host institute.
Dependent Child Allowance

EMBO Fellows have the right to receive an extra allowance for dependent children below the age of 18. The specific amount of this allowance varies depending on the country where the fellowship is undertaken.
Parental Leave

Fellows who become parents during their fellowship can avail themselves of a three-month paid parental leave.

Those who opt for parental leave during their fellowship are eligible for an extension of their fellowship for the same duration.

The request for this extension must be made by the host supervisor at the conclusion of the fellowship. Parental leave should commence within six months of the child’s birth.

Fellows are required to notify the EMBO Fellowship Office in advance if they intend to take parental leave.
Eligibility Criteria

1. Applicants are required to possess a doctoral degree or its equivalent at the commencement of the fellowship.

2. Candidates who already hold a Ph.D. at the time of applying are eligible to do so only if they earned the Ph.D. within the two years preceding the application submission date.

3. At the time of application, applicants must have at least one first-author publication that has been accepted or published in an international peer-reviewed journal.

4. All applications must involve a transition between countries; detailed information about the mobility requirements is found in the EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship guidelines.

5. Candidates who have already commenced their work in the host laboratory are eligible to apply only if their tenure in the host laboratory is less than six months at the time of application submission.

6. Candidates are allowed to submit only one application for one project at one host laboratory in each selection round.

7. Reapplication is permitted only once.
Application Deadline

Spring assessment encompasses all eligible applications received by 2:00 PM Central European Time on the second Friday of February. Outcomes for this round will be disclosed by the end of May or the start of June.

Autumn assessment includes all eligible applications submitted by 2:00 PM Central European Summer Time on the second Friday of August. Results for this round will be announced by the end of November or the beginning of December.

For additional information about this opportunity, please refer to the funder’s website.

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