Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Program


Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship – The Ford Foundation Fellowships are intended to broaden the racial and ethnic composition of the nation’s college and university faculties, to maximize the educational advantages of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who are able and willing to use diversity as a resource to enhance the education of all students.

Ford accomplishes these goals by offering a range of fellowships that cover various academic stages as well as mentoring, professional growth, and a sizable alumni network that fosters peer support and community building.
Overview of the Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship

There will be about 60 predoctoral fellowships given out under the program. These fellowships offer three years of financial assistance to those pursuing doctoral education for the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or Doctor of Science (ScD).

Predoctoral fellowships will be given out in a nationwide competition run by the Ford Foundation on behalf of the National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academies.

Individuals who, in the opinion of the review panels: Have shown excellent academic achievement, shall receive the honors that are dedicated to a career in college or university teaching and research. Also, demonstrate potential for future success as researchers and educators are ready to use diversity as a resource to enhance all students’ education.

Eligible Fields of Study

The following primary disciplines and associated interdisciplinary topics are included in the research-based Ph.D. or ScD programs that will be awarded grants for study: Language, life sciences, linguistics, literature, mathematics, performance study, philosophy, physics, political science, psychology, religious studies, sociology, urban planning, women’s studies, anthropology, chemistry, communications, computer science, earth sciences, economics, engineering, ethnic studies, ethnomusicology, geography, history, international relations, and urban planning.

Interdisciplinary programs in area studies, peace studies, social justice, and other ethnic studies, such as African-American and Native American-studies, are also acceptable.

If the applicant’s Ph.D. or ScD program is in a research-based area of education (such as sociology of education or anthropology and education), that area of study must be specified as their major field of study above.
Eligibility of the Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship United States citizen or permanent resident
A bachelor’s degree by the beginning of the award period
graduating seniors, first- and second-year graduate students, as well as those individuals with less graduate experience
Enrolled or preparing to enroll in a Ph.D. or ScD program at an accredited U.S. university that is centered on research
Funding source

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Criteria for SelectionSuperior academic performance should be shown.
Are dedicated to a career in college or university teaching and research Display promise for future success as scholars and instructors
They’re willing to use variety as a resource to improve all students’ education
Be a member of a group that has historically suffered from serious underrepresentation in the American professoriate: Native Americans of Alaska, Black or African descent, Mexican Americans, Native Americans of the United States, and Natives of Pacific Islands
Application Procedure

The Ford Scholarship does not have a Princeton application procedure. Direct applications from students are made to the Ford Foundation with:Applying online
Research statement from the past
Research proposal statement for academic work
An individual statement
Four recommendation letters
Authorized transcripts

Apply online at the

  Ford Fellowship Predoctoral Fellowships website.
AwardFor three years, Ford Fellows are given a $27,000 stipend.
An invitation to the Ford Fellows Conference.
Access to the network of previous Ford Fellows who have volunteered to mentor and support present Fellows, known as the Ford Fellow Regional Liaisons, as well as additional networking resources.

In conclusion

The Ford initiative seeks to boost the number of minorities who are underrepresented in American college and university faculties. For three years of doctorate funding, about 40 fellowships are offered each year.

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