Guggenheim Fellowship Program for Students


Guggenheim Fellowship – Have you ever imagined earning money only to do what you love? In order to give academics and artists the time they needed to concentrate entirely on their work and study, the Guggenheim Fellowship was created in 1925.

Over 18,000 outstanding artists, writers, scientists, and intellectuals have received support from the fellowship, expanding the fields of knowledge and donating priceless pieces of original research and creative work to society.

Individuals who have already proven an exceptional potential for productive scholarship or an exceptional creative ability in the arts are eligible for Guggenheim Fellowships. A minimum of six months and a maximum of twelve months are granted as part of a Guggenheim Fellowship.
What to Know About Guggenheim Fellowship

The Guggenheim Fellowships are awarded to people in the middle of their careers who have demonstrated exemplary promise for original and fruitful intellectual work or exemplary artistic talent, offering great promise for their future pursuits.

These scholarships are awarded through a yearly competition that is accessible to both permanent residents and citizens of the United States and Canada. Candidates must submit applications to the Guggenheim Foundation in order to be considered.

Every year, the Foundation receives over 3,000 applications. The fact that there is no initial screening and all applications are carefully scrutinized means that there is no assurance that any applicant will be successful. Each year, about 175 Fellowships are awarded.

During the careful screening procedure, candidates are initially paired with colleagues in the same industry and assessed by authorities in that particular field.

The work of artists is evaluated by other artists, that of scientists by other scientists, that of historians by other historians, and so on.

All of the Foundation’s advisors are former Guggenheim Fellows, and together they make up a network of several hundred people.

To evaluate the work of candidates, these advisers either meet in person at the Foundation’s offices or are sent application materials to analyze remotely.

riteriaAt the time of application, all candidates must be citizens or legal residents of the United States or Canada.
Individuals who have already been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship are ineligible to do so.
Guggenheim Fellowships are not available to assist in the development of websites or blogs, residencies, curriculum development, or any other kind of educational program.
Organizations, institutions, or organizations are not eligible to receive our awards; they are solely meant for individuals.
Undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students are not eligible to apply for Guggenheim Fellowships.

These advisors then offer feedback and score the applications according to their expertise.

The Selection Committee then receives their recommendations and carefully reviews and weighs them to decide how many awards should be given in each category.

There could occasionally be no applications in a given topic that are regarded as strong enough to merit a Fellowship.
How Do You Get A Guggenheim Fellowship?

Guggenheim Mid-career professionals are eligible for fellowships if they have already proven their knowledge of or proficiency in their industry, such as a published book author.

Students and writers or artists of works intended for young audiences are not eligible for fellowships.

A portfolio, a résumé, and references must be submitted by applicants. Only about 175 Fellowships are awarded annually out of an estimated 3,000 to 4,000 applications. Also, you have to be a citizen or legal permanent resident of the United States, Canada, or both.


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