Hertz Fellowship | Hertz Foundation 2023

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Fellowship are non-profit organization system that provides help and benefits and the Hertz Fellowship is one of such. As you read through, we will show what they are all about and how to apply.

Hertz Fellowship

The Fannie and John Hertz Foundation, a prominent non-profit organization dedicated to empowering young scientists and engineers by enabling their innovative pursuits, grants Hertz Fellowships to 16 students.

These fellowships provide support for five years of graduate studies in the fields of applied sciences and engineering.

Since its establishment in 1963, the Hertz Foundation has identified over 1,070 promising applied scientists and engineers who have the potential to make positive and transformative contributions to the world.

They have supported these individuals in their doctoral research through the most generous applied science and engineering Ph.D. Fellowships in the nation.

The Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship Award is purely merit-based and does not consider financial need.

It consists of two components: a cost-of-education allowance and a personal support stipend.

The cost-of-education allowance is accepted by all eligible schools and covers all fees and tuition expenses.

Consequently, Hertz Fellows do not have any financial obligations for their standard educational costs, regardless of the school they choose to attend.

Hertz Fellowship Options

With a value exceeding $250,000, Hertz Fellowships stand out as distinctive opportunities that offer complete financial freedom.

These fellowships enable exceptional applied scientists and engineers to independently pursue their research visions, all while benefiting from the mentorship of renowned professors at the most prestigious universities in the country.

The selection of Hertz Fellows is based on their outstanding intelligence, creativity, and capacity to create substantial and lasting impacts on society.

The process of choosing recipients is highly competitive and includes a thorough application process, as well as two demanding rounds of interviews conducted by esteemed leaders in the fields of applied science and engineering.
Option 1 – Five Year Hertz

$34,000/ 9-month personal stipend*

Full tuition equivalent

Renewable for up to 5 years

$5,000/year stipend for fellows with dependent children
Option 2 – Five-Year Coordinated

$40,000/ 9-month personal stipend*

NSF period: $8,000/year supplemental stipend from Hertz Foundation

Renewable annually for up to five years

$5,000/year stipend for fellows with dependent children

The Five-Year Hertz Fellowship award (Option 1) is renewable annually (upon a showing of satisfactory progress toward receipt of the Ph.D. degree) for a total Fellowship tenure of no more than five years.

* $5,000/ year additional stipend for Fellows with dependent children.

Fellows must attend one of the Foundation’s currently participating schools or must petition the Foundation to include a school in the United States that he/she desires to attend.
Eligibility Criteria

Prospective candidates for Hertz Fellowships must be students specializing in applied physical, biological, and engineering sciences.

They should also hold U.S. citizenship or permanent residency status and be willing to make a moral commitment to offer their expertise to the United States during times of national emergencies (details are available in our Moral Commitment section).

Both undergraduate seniors aiming to pursue a Ph.D. in fields aligned with the Foundation’s interests and graduate students already on this path are eligible to apply.

However, it’s important to note that we typically do not grant fellowships to students who have progressed beyond their first year of graduate studies, except in truly exceptional cases.

Such exceptions are exceedingly rare, with only three granted in the past decade.
Selection Procedure

The annual competition for Graduate Fellowships starts in August when the application period opens. During this period, a deadline will be established, aligning with the timelines of organizations like NSF and other fellowship-granting bodies.

To ensure full consideration by the Foundation, it’s crucial that applications are complete, including all supporting materials and documents, such as Reference Reports, submitted by the specified deadline.

The Foundation may consider untimely or incomplete applications at its discretion and convenience, but this is not guaranteed.

The competition for each year concludes at the end of the following March.

At this point, the Foundation’s Board of Directors assesses the most highly qualified Fellowship applicants and determines the number of new Fellowships that can be supported with the available resources.

Every Fellowship applicant receives notification of the Foundation’s decision regarding their application by mail on or before April 1 each year.

Fannie and John Hertz Foundation

2300 First Street, Suite 250

Livermore, CA 94550

phone: 925.373.1642925.373.1642

fax: 925.373.6329

Email: [email protected]

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