Mansfield University School Fees: New Update 2023/2024


Mansfield University School Fees: New Update 2023/2024

The Mansfield University School Fees for the 2023/2024 Academic Session are out. All New and old students including those from Zambia are expected to check the school fees.

Prospective students are urged to diligently examine Mansfield University’s school fees for the 2023/2024 academic year.

Both new and returning students now have the opportunity to review their fixed tuition fees. Here, you will find out how to check the school fees for both new and returning students.
Mansfield University School Fees

The management of Mansfield University (MU) in Zambia has diligently compiled and released the fee details for both undergraduate and postgraduate students for the upcoming academic sessions.

It is important to note the following key points:Registration requires the payment of fees.
All fees designated for the university should be deposited into the MU Directorate Account or via cheque into the same account.
Fees intended to cover student welfare and research costs should be directed to the student.
In cases of student withdrawals from their studies, it’s essential to be aware that tuition and other fees may not be fully refundable.

Below, you will find the detailed breakdown of school fees for undergraduate and postgraduate programs at Mansfield University for the 2023/2024 academic session.

Courses and Programs Offered at Mansfield University

Mansfield University offers a variety of academic programs which are:
1. Bachelor of Arts (BA)Psychology
Humanitarian Studies
Foreign Affairs
Social Sciences / Social Work
2. Bachelor of Science (BS)Agriculture
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Civil Engineering
3. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)Accountancy
Business Administration
Business and Commerce
Human Resources
4. Master of Arts (MA)Psychology
Humanitarian Studies
Foreign Affairs
Social Sciences / Social Work
5. Master of Science (MS)Agriculture
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Civil Engineering
6. Master of Business Administration (MBA)Accountancy
Business Administration
Business and Commerce
Human Resources

7. Bachelor of Education (BEd)Bachelor of Commerce
Teacher Training (Primary School)
Bachelor of Law
8. Master of Education (MEd)Master of Law (LLM)
The Master of Arts in Education
Master of Commerce
9. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
The Doctor of Education with Specialization in Higher Education

​As a student of Mansfield University make sure to diligently examine the school fees structure for the 2023/2024 academic session.

Understanding the fee requirements and associated policies ensures you have a seamless academic journey while prioritizing financial planning.

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