Mckay Scholarship: Eligibility Criteria

Mckay Scholarship: Eligibility Criteria


Would you love to know more about the McKay Scholarship Program? This scholarship is a Florida state-funded program that helps students with disabilities so that they can attend private schools or transfer to another public school of their choice.

The program is named after the late Florida Senate President John M. McKay, who advocated for the rights of disabled students during his tenure.

Since its inception in 1999, the McKay Scholarship Program has assisted thousands of students with disabilities in Florida.

The scholarship pays for tuition, fees, and other educational services and is given to students based on their disability and individual needs.
The Application Process for the McKay Scholarship

The application process for the McKay Scholarship Program in Florida can be broken down into several steps:
1. Determine Eligibility

To qualify for the McKay Scholarship, a student must have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan and have attended a Florida public school for at least one year.

The student must also fulfill certain qualifying standards centered on their needs for education and impairment.
2. Research Schools

Once eligibility has been determined, families can look into private or public schools with McKay seats to find the best fit for their child.
3. Apply to School(s)

Families should also apply to the chosen school directly and provide all necessary documents, such as transcripts and test scores, to support their application.
4. Apply for the McKay Scholarship

Once a student has been accepted to a participating private school or transferred to a public school with available McKay seats,

Families can apply for the McKay Scholarship through the Florida Department of Education’s online application portal.
5. Provide Documentation

Families can apply for the McKay Scholarship through the Florida Department of Education’s online application portal once the student has been accepted to a participating private school or transferred to a public school with available McKay seats.
6. Wait for Approval

The Florida Department of Education reviews all McKay Scholarship applications and makes a decision within 30 days of receiving all required documentation.
7. Enroll in School

If approved for the McKay Scholarship, families must enrol their child in the chosen school and provide the necessary paperwork to ensure the scholarship funds are applied towards tuition and fees.

It is important for families to carefully review the eligibility requirements and application process for the McKay Scholarship, as well as any deadlines or requirements set by the chosen school.

By following these steps, families can apply for and receive the support their child needs to succeed in their education.
Benefits of the McKay Scholarship Program in Florida

The McKay Scholarship Program in Florida offers several benefits to students with disabilities and their families, including:
1. Greater Choice

The McKay Scholarship Program provides families with greater flexibility and choice in their child’s education.

Families can choose to attend a private school or transfer to another public school with available McKay seats, which can help ensure that their child receives the education that best meets their needs.
2. Specialized Education

Many private schools that participate in the McKay Scholarship Program specialize in educating students with disabilities.

These schools may have smaller class sizes, specialized teachers, and tailored programs that can help students thrive.
3. Individualized Education

The McKay Scholarship Program requires participating schools to provide an individualized education plan (IEP) or a plan that is equivalent to an IEP for each student with a disability.

This can help ensure that each student’s unique needs are addressed and that they receive the necessary support to succeed academically and socially.
4. Access to Resources

The McKay Scholarship Program provides funding for tuition, fees, and other educational services, which can help families access resources that may not be available at their local public school.

These resources can include tutoring, therapy, and other support services.
5. Empowerment

By giving families more control over their children’s education, the McKay Scholarship Program can help empower families to take an active role in their children’s academic and personal growth.

This can lead to greater engagement and investment in their child’s education, which can have a positive impact on their overall success.

Overall, the McKay Scholarship Program can provide important benefits to students with disabilities and their families, helping to ensure that each student has the opportunity to reach their full potential in school and beyond.

The scholarship is valid until you graduate from high school, return to public school, or reach the age of 22. Whatever comes first

It is important to note that if you are receiving a McKay private school scholarship and wish to transfer to a public school, your parents must notify the district.

The number of public schools from which you can choose will be determined by the district.

To re-establish your eligibility for the private school, you must participate in an October or February student survey.
Deadline for Full Scholarship Award

To receive the full scholarship amount, you must submit your intent by July 3rd and be registered and enrolled by August 2nd.

Those who submit their intent by September 2nd will receive 75% of the scholarship amount. Enroll by October 2nd.

To be eligible, you must fill out an intent form by December 3 and enroll by January 2 to receive 50% of the scholarship amount.

Additionally, to be eligible for 25% of this scholarship, submit your intent form by January 31st. To be eligible for the scholarship, you must enroll by March 2nd.

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