Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship 2023


If you are interested in the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, you are in the right place. As you read through, we will enlighten you on everything there is to know about the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

The University of Houston’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program, known as SURF-UH, aims to offer financial support to current UH sophomores, juniors, and seniors for a concentrated, 10-week research experience running from May 30 to August 4, 2023.

During this period, students will work closely with UH faculty members. Those who are selected for the program will be granted a $4,000 scholarship and will also earn three credits toward the Honors in Co-Curricular Engagement designation on their transcripts.

Prospective applicants should be aware that incoming freshmen who will become sophomores in the fall of 2023 are eligible to apply, but individuals set to graduate in either the spring or summer of 2023 are not eligible for this opportunity.

Participation in the program will not result in course credits, and students who have previously participated in SURF-UH cannot reapply. Importantly, this fellowship is open to students from all academic disciplines.

Furthermore, all full-time UH faculty members have the chance to be involved as faculty sponsors, with the exception of adjunct faculty. Each faculty member can nominate up to two students for the SURF program.

It’s important to note that faculty mentors have the option to request up to $300 in reimbursement for expenses associated with their SURF projects, but these requests must be submitted by June 30, 2023, through the provided application process.

Eligibility Criteria

Undergraduate student can only be granted either one SURF or Honors SURF opportunity during their undergraduate academic journey.

For Honors students who have already been awarded any type of SURF, it is advisable to explore alternative fellowship options that may be available to them.

Undergraduate students are eligible to seek a SURF if they meet the following criteria:

1. They are in good academic standing.

2. Students from all academic departments and majors, including those who haven’t yet declared a major, are strongly encouraged to apply.

3. They are enrolled full-time during the Spring semester when they submit their application (which can also include studying abroad).

4. Each student is allowed to submit only one SURF application per year.

5. They are registered for the Fall semester following the fellowship (which can also include studying abroad).

6. They have not previously been recipients of a SURF.

7. Students are encouraged to apply for both the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship and the Summer Award for Research-Intensive Courses. However, it’s important to note that a student can only accept one of these awards for the same summer period.
How to Apply

To be considered, students need to submit an online application no later than Friday, March 10. This application comprises the following components:

1. A statement outlining research objectives and goals, with a maximum word limit of 500 words, references included.

2. Two concise responses to questions regarding your academic and research background.

3. The name of the UH faculty mentor or sponsor from whom you are seeking a letter of recommendation. This faculty member is the one you intend to collaborate with for your research.
Application Deadline

All SURF application materials, including letters of recommendation, must be received by 4:00pm EDT on February 1st, which is the application deadline.

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