UCSD Transfer Acceptance Rate, GPA, and Requirements

UCSD Transfer Acceptance Rate – Since they are willing to accept transfer students from all over the world, UCSD has a higher transfer acceptance rate than most schools in California. As the top choice for qualified transfer students, the University of California, San Diego, takes great pride in this position.

At the University of California, San Diego, transfer students easily fit in with other students. They enjoy freedom and receive a top-notch education.

They are also a well-known destination for transfer students because California law requires all institutions to accept transfer students.

This was taken very seriously by UCSD, which created a setting that was very welcoming to international students transferring there.
UCSD Transfer Acceptance Rate

UCSD has a 57.2% transfer acceptance rate. Over 50% of all applicants who apply to transfer from their current universities to the University of California San Diego are accepted, according to this percentage.

About 31% of all applicants are accepted by the University of California San Diego under the regular admissions circle. Despite the fact that there are more applicants here than there are applicants hoping to transfer from other institutions to UCSD.

Application Requirements and GPA for UCSD Transfers

Students who transfer to UCSD must have kept a minimum 3.0 GPA at their previous institution. Students are advised to check the UCSD transfer credit portal to find out which of their credits are and are not transferable as one important requirement for all transferable credits is that one maintain a 3.0 GPA.

There is a chance that UCSD will calculate a GPA for a student that is less than 3.0 if they took a non-transferrable course that is the only thing keeping them above that mark. As a result, it is suggested that students compute their GPA using only the transferable credits.

The junior level at UCSD is defined as having completed 20-semester units of upper-level coursework and 70 semester units of lower-level courses in a major. UCSD only accepts transfer students at the junior level.

Before transferring, students must complete a set of required courses and earn a C or better in each of those courses.

There are at least four courses’ worth of arts and humanities, physical and biological sciences, and social and behavioral sciences among them, along with two composition courses in English, one in math, and at least two courses in English composition.

A certain amount of lower-level, major-preparation coursework in a student’s chosen major may also be required before transferring, depending on the student’s major.

This is true for the vast majority of STEM majors, including biology, chemistry, and engineering, as well as the vast majority of capped majors, which only admit a small number of students.
UC San Diego Transfer Deadline

Applications for admission to UCSD as a transfer student must be submitted by November 30 of each year, and they become available on August 1 of every year.

Students are advised to complete their California Dream Act and FAFSA applications between these dates. Although the California Dream Act and the FAFSA open on October 1st of every year, it is generally best to complete these forms as soon as possible. The deadline to do so is March 2nd.

After submitting their application, transfer students will have access to an applicant portal where they can finish their transfer academic update.

Since most students won’t be aware of their final grades prior to the application deadline of November 30th, this form, which is due on January 31st of each year, requires updating one’s transcripts with the final grades from the most recent fall semester.


Compared to earlier years, the acceptance rate for transfers to UCSD has decreased recently. we credit the institution’s efforts to adapt and make its system more transfer-friendly.

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