UPTH School of Post Basic A & E Nursing School Fees 2023/2024


Learn about UPTH School of Post Basic A & E Nursing School Fees, including costs, payment options, and scholarships. Get the insights you need for a smooth financial journey in nursing education.

UPTH School of Post Basic A & E Nursing School Fees

The UPTH School of Post Basic A & E Nursing has outlined its fee structure for the 2023/2024 academic session, catering to both newly admitted and returning students.

For fresh nursing students, the estimated school fees range from 150,000 to 200,000 Naira per session. Additionally, hostel accommodation within the town is available at a cost of approximately 120,000 Naira for a self-contained unit.

It’s important for all newly admitted students to ensure prompt payment of their tuition fees at designated banks as approved by the hospital’s management.

This fee breakdown allows students to plan their finances and make informed decisions regarding their education at the UPTH School of Post Basic A & E Nursing.
Payment Options

The UPTH School of Post Basic A & E Nursing offers numerous payment options to its students. UPTH provides numerous options to lessen the burden because it is fully aware of the financial challenges that students might be facing.

Students have the option of paying their tuition in affordable installments, which reduces financial pressure and guarantees that admission to high-quality nursing education is still possible.

This gives students the freedom to manage their finances while pursuing their interest in nursing because of this flexibility.

Students may concentrate on their studies without being concerned about huge financial costs thanks to UPTH’s commitment to providing affordable education.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

1. SSCE with 5 credits, including English Language, Mathematics, Biology (not Health Science), Physics, and Chemistry, achieved in not more than two sittings. A combination of NECO and WAEC is acceptable.

2. Registered Nurse/Midwife with a minimum of one (1) year post-qualification experience.

3. B.NSc with a PGDE is an added advantage.
How to Appy to UPTH School of Post Basic A & E Nursing

Follow the steps below to apply to the school of nursing:

1. Pay a non-refundable fee of N10,000:00 to STERLING BANK (UPTH BRANCH). A/C No. 0008832930 for Paediatric Nursing or A/C No. 0029875947 for Accident & Emergency Programme.

2. Present the teller to the School Bursar to obtain an official receipt.

3. With evidence of payment, collect an application form from the School’s Administration Office. Collect for either post-post-basic pediatric Nursing or Post-post-basic accident and emergency Nursing.

Remember to bring your original certificates and valid practicing licenses for the interview on the same day.

Your path to becoming a qualified nurse won’t be limited by financial concerns because of UPTH’s dedication to providing a flexible and friendly learning environment.

Therefore, if you’re prepared to start your nursing career, make sure you fully understand the UPTH School of Post Basic A & E Nursing School Fees before starting down the path that will lead to a successful and fulfilling career in healthcare.

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