William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship Application


William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship Application

William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship: The appointment period for the William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship for Minority Students is 10 months, from August 15 to June 15.

The Hearst Fellow’s internship involves supporting leadership initiatives, open programs. And meetings of the Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation (PSI) through research, writing, logistical support, and administrative support.

Fellows receive a stipend of $15,000 for the year to cover housing and living expenses. All program-related expenses, including tuition, are paid.

Fellows must be recent graduates, academics, engaged volunteers, or nonprofit professionals who are from historically underrepresented groups in organized philanthropy.

In any academic subject, they must possess a bachelor’s degree from an approved university. Fellows must enroll in a full-time program for either a Master of Arts in Philanthropic Studies or a Master of Public Affairs with an emphasis in nonprofit management.

Mid-July is the deadline for the fall internship, mid-December is the deadline for the spring internship, and mid-March is the deadline for the summer internship.
About William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship

Paid internships in the fall, spring, or summer are available through the William Randolph Hearst Endowed Fellowships for Minority Students at the Aspen Institute’s Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation in Washington, D.C.

Fellows learn about problems and opportunities affecting philanthropy, social enterprise, nonprofits, and other social sector actors through their work experiences.

During the fall or spring semesters, fellows are expected to work fifteen to twenty hours per week. And during the summer, they are expected to work full-time.

Fall and spring fellows receive stipends of around $2,000, while summer fellows receive stipends of around $4,000. Fellows are responsible for covering their own lodging and travel costs.

Candidates must be in college right now, be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents of color, and be able to show financial need.

Also, candidates should be returning to college for at least one semester after the fellowship experience and possess good research and writing skills. Candidates should also have a history of involvement with charitable causes, charity, or the social sector.

Eligibility Requirements

The William Randolph Hearst Foundation generously endowed the Hearst scholarship, making it feasible. One of our “flagship” initiatives, Hearst Scholarships is given to individuals with exceptional academic records who have also demonstrated a strong commitment to volunteering and nonprofit work.

Hearst scholars typically have an entry GPA of at least 3.5. And many of them have extensive backgrounds in nonprofit organization formation, management, or other public service activities.

Hearst scholarships are regarded as two-year prizes, however in order to ensure second-year support, students must achieve a GPA of at least 3.5 in their first year of the MPA program.

Depending on the amount of money available, the prizes range from $4,000 to $10,000 each year in tuition support. Each year, students in the fall entering class are given two brand-new Hearst Scholarships by the department professors.

This indicates that there are always at least four “Hearst Scholars” enrolled in the program. Decisions about Hearst scholarships are made using information from the department’s admission application.

The faculty scholarship selection committee takes into account both academic merit and pertinent job experience in nonprofit or public service.

The personal essay and recommendation letters from the admissions application are also considered for awarding scholarships.

Diversity in our student body and scholarship recipients is also acknowledged by the Department of Political Science and Public Affairs and the Center for Public Service as a basic tenet of our MPA program.
Application Procedures for William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship

Please submit your MPA admissions application by March 1 of the academic year prior to the year you wish to begin classes in order to be considered for the Hearst Scholarship.

Students who desire to begin classes in August or September must submit their application documents by March 1 of that academic year.

By April 15th, all applicants for the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program are automatically eligible for consideration.

The Hearst Fellow’s internship entails supporting PSI’s leadership initiatives, public programs, and gatherings logistically and administratively. Please be aware that this is a working fellowship rather than one to fund independent study.

Highly motivated graduate or undergraduate students from communities of color may apply for this fellowship. Candidates must be enrolled in a postsecondary institution during the semester they are applying for.

Candidates who are applying in the summer must provide documentation of their fall enrollment. Each candidate should have the following qualities in addition to an outstanding academic record:

Excellent research and writing abilities; a demonstrated need for financial assistance; involvement in nonprofit organizations, charity, or the social sector. And U.S. citizenship or permanent residency are all requirements.

Students may apply if they have been granted permission to take part in the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

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