Eckerd College Acceptance Rate 2024 for Students


Eckerd College Acceptance Rate – Eckerd College has this awesome waterfront campus where students can paddleboard, kayak, sail, and just chill along Frenchman’s Creek every single day. The cool part? You get your mentor among the faculty and guess what? Over 90% of students graduate within four years.

And if that’s not enough, there are over 300 study abroad programs waiting for you to explore.
Eckerd College Acceptance Rate

Eckerd College is pretty welcoming, with a 65% acceptance rate. If you’re an early bird, the early acceptance rate bumps up to 83.7%. Now, about those test scores—if you provided them—about half of the lucky admitted crew scored in the range of 1107 to 1300 on the SAT or had an ACT score between 23 and 29.

But here’s the cool part: a quarter of the admissions went above these ranges, and another quarter landed just below. So, they’re all about flexibility!

Thinking of joining? The application deadline is July 25th, so mark your calendar.

Now, when it comes to what the admissions team at Eckerd values, GPA is a big deal. They’re into the nitty-gritty of your academic performance. If your high school dishes out class ranks, that’s on their radar too; it’s an important puzzle piece in the admissions process.

Oh, and don’t forget those recommendation letters. Eckerd College wants to hear what others have to say about your academic prowess and character. So, if you’re eyeing Eckerd, bring your A-game and those glowing recommendations!

What to Know About Eckerd College

Eckerd College, nestled on Florida’s Gulf Coast in St. Petersburg, is all about creating well-rounded individuals ready to take on the real world.

Unlike focusing narrowly on specific careers, this small liberal arts gem aims to shape educated minds. Interestingly, 45 percent of Eckerd students end up pursuing advanced degrees.

At Eckerd, they’re all about keeping it cozy in the classroom. Small class sizes are the name of the game, ensuring a top-notch learning experience and building personal connections with professors. Speaking of professors, they’re not just there to clock in and out; there’s a real commitment to student success.

Class discussions take center stage, and some courses even throw in participation grades. It’s not just about absorbing information; Eckerd College wants to hear your thoughts.

They’re big on diverse perspectives and create an open space where everyone can freely express their opinions without feeling judged.

Now, here’s a cool feature: the Mentor program hooks students up with professors in their majors. It’s like having a guiding hand in course selection, registration, and more. They’re invested in your academic journey.

And don’t let the liberal arts curriculum fool you—it’s not just about your major. It’s about arming you with a broad range of skills beyond the confines of one subject, making you a catch for potential employers. Eckerd College is all about preparing you for success, no matter which path you choose.

General Recommendations and Requirements for Admissions

If you’re eyeing Eckerd College, here’s the lowdown on what they’re looking for in applicants. Make sure you’ve got at least four years of English under your belt, two years of a foreign language, and three years each of math, lab sciences, and history/social science. Bonus points if you’ve taken on the challenge of advanced coursework—they dig that.

But here’s the cool part – Eckerd wants to know the real you. Feel free to toss in clips of your musical performances, extra writing samples, or any other documentation that adds a personal touch to your application.

Now, onto the nitty-gritty – along with the online application, make sure you send in:Your official high school transcript
The application fee
A personal essay that’s all about you
Your SAT or ACT scores
A recommendation letter or two

Speaking of recommendation letters, print out the form from Eckerd’s website and hand it over to your high school counselor or a teacher who knows you well. You can even go big and submit multiple letters if you’ve got a squad of supporters cheering you on.

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